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Wed April 24, 2024
No need to shower if you don't excercise, says so-called expert who has never smelled a Farker's basement lair
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LA's Getty Museum gives head. Bonus: it looks like Michael Myers
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(Some Guy)
Researchers in Japan find Roman Emperor's villa (checks earpiece) Researchers from Japan find Roman Emperor's villa
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(WFLA Tampa Bay)
Car burglar in Polk County shows a flicker of conscience by returning a man's mother's ashes, proving some things may be sacred but hot wheels definitely aren't
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
Terrorists, or somebody attending Simi Valley High School who forgot to study for their history test today?
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Photoshop this Ninja Room home gym
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(ABC News)
Oil sprays from an ANA flight causing 213 passengers to clench something similar
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Urban explorer sneaks inside the abandoned Fukushima nuclear control room 'frozen in time' since disaster struck, gives glowing update
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(Everett Herald)
"Do you know why I pulled you over?" "You were thrown out of the Equestria Police Department for Pony Brutality?"
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(KHQA Quincy)
77-year-old Illinois woman drives herself to hospital after being stabbed in the liver by a man who appears to be a Strong Bad cosplayer
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(PA Homepage)
Man falls from bike, runs from police and falls into creek requiring rescue from FD. Weirdest triathlon ever
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Happy 19th birthday 'Me at the zoo", YouTube's first video. Elephants do have long trunks
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(People Magazine)
Woman bear-ly escapes selfie gone wrong
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(Some Guy)
Leisurely traveling in the left lane, not actively passing anyone, on a toll road, will get you pulled over, and probably a ticket. Those 25,000 stamp bags of heroin do not bode well for your courtroom experience, either
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Fark NotNewsletter: TRUCK
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(Some Guy)
"Lawsuits accuse developer Thunder Thornton of intimidating critics of River Gorge project" Of all the people I would think of intimidating people it would be a guy named "Thunder Thorton"
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Extremely affordable 4 bedroom home for sale in sunny Malibu Cal. And if you decide you don't like the neighborhood after a few months, you can tow the house to nearby Thousand Oaks or Culver City
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(iNews (UK))
"Orgies aren't all they're cracked up to be - I should know, I've been to two and just looked and didn't participate. I'm obviously an expert"
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(Oregon Live)
Oh yeah, well do your potholes cause brain injuries? Take that
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(Fark Fiction Anthology)
"Evil hiding among us is an ancient theme." -John Carpenter. This is your Fark Writer's Thread, Hidden Edition
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May the 4th be with you for all South Florida farkers that are Nintendo, anime, and gaming nerds
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Huge fire seen at Russian oil depot as careless smoking strikes again
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Spotify: our 17% layoff "disrupt[ed] our day-to-day operations more than we anticipated." Mistakes were made, we're all just trying to find the guy who did this
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1967, the Soviet Union achieved another historic first in the Space Race, with Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov being the first person to have died in space
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(Daily Star)
YouTuber pays a visit to poor West Virginia, says the locals tell him all they do is f**k and get high, also some smashing of cousins and animals (possible nsfw content on page)
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(X, Twitter, whatever)
Photoshop this nebula
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(ABC News)
Barbers hailed as heroes for rescuing toddler from oncoming traffic, demonstrating how far they've come from their Barbary Pirate days
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(NBC News)
People in South Carolina are dumb, frightened people
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(WCAX Vermont)
"Stranger danger" cries save child in Colorado. Also, YIKES
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Seven Australian teenagers arrested for Stabbing the Bishop, in latest 'not a euphemism' news
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(AP News)
Oh, and, hey, we secretly gave Ukraine ATACMS in March, and they've already put them to good use
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(NY Courts)
Good news if you're curious to read the Trump criminal trial transcripts, including on the record meetings behind closed doors, plus exhibits. Flatulence not included (or is it?)
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(KCTV5 Kansas City)
When the packaging says "Don't throw lithium-ion batteries in the trash", you probably shouldn't throw lithium-ion batteries in the trash
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Sheriff says there's nothing fishy about finding a BMW in a lake, and they'd be more surprised to find one parked correctly
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(Daily Mail)
Georgia Spring Break clean-up as 54 boozy beachgoers arrested after bare-breast brawls ...and you've already clicked
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(WFSB Connecticut)
Blamm goes to the Clink. Pow, Biff, Sok, Kapow and Zlott still on the lam
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Creepy tag doesn't begin to describe: Sheriff's office investigating reports of explicit AI generated pics of high school students
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(Some Thinking Guy)
Caption this contemplative Canuck
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(KIMA tv)
Huzzah Manhunt ends. I'm sorry, I'll read that again
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Today's 2-hour serving of '80s alt/post-punk/new wave music includes tunes from The Bolshoi, The Stranglers, The Call, The Bible, and Japan. Hear what commercial radio doesn't sound like on pastFORWARD #598. Starts @ 1:00PM ET, LGT streaming options
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(USA Today)
Strange voices are saying things I can't understand. It's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand. It's gonna be a cruel summer
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Pornstars pull out of Korean sex festival at the last minute
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(CBS News)
In all fairness to Japanese zookeepers, it is difficult to flip a hippo over and check
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You think Trump's lawyers have a hard job? Imagine representing the gang leader accused of killing Tupac, who is trying to convince a jury that his client was lying when he confessed to committing the crime
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(Some Guy)
If only there was a state routinely suffering from power outages they could sell the excess to
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Spanish prison "accidentally" releases billionaire Dutch drug cartel boss
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(Kent Online)
Dover residents oppose new McD's drive-thru as it might block view of Dover Castle, which is on top of a very large hill. Exactly how big are they hoping to build it?
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Traffic problems in London? Neigh
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Big gun goes boom bigly
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